
Audience research-Questionnaire


1. Gender: Male Female

2. What genre most appeals to you whilst watching films?
• Horror
• drama
• romance
• Comedy

3. How often do you go to the cinema?
• once a week
• twice a week
• once a month
• once a year

4. How do you find out about upcoming releases?
• magazines
• posters
• T.V
• Cinema

5. Whilst watching a teaser trailer what intrigues you most about the trailer?

• the fact that it’s a sequel
• the release date
• the trailer itself

6. How would you watch a film?

• Buying a DVD
• Ordering it off box office
• Renting a DVD
• Watching it in a cinema
• other

7. What makes you want to watch a teaser trailer?

• the actors/actresses
• the narrative
• Advertising
• The director

8. Which magazine cover most attracts your attention? Circle your answer:

9. Which aspect of a magazine cover/poster makes you want to watch the film?

• The cover star
• The emphasis on the movie
• The content with in the magazine/poster
• The presentation of the magazine/poster (e.g. text, colour, font etc…)

10. What form of advertising helps you hear about a new film releases?
• Posters
• Magazines
• T.V
• internet

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